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Pictures courtesy of Sawtooth Star, the only Ranger with a sense of history and the sense to bring a camera.
The First Charter Member Inaugral Shortgrass Ranger Shoot
June 6, 1999
Click to enlarge
The Shortgrass Rangers - Inaugural Shoot,
aka "The Great Flood"
The "crew" contemplates the loading table assembly, while J.L.(the brains behind this project) walks away puzzled that they find it so hard.
The senior and distinguished members gabbing while the others do the real work.
J.L. explaining to Scrubbrush that you do not hammer screws.
Proof that nothing gets done by committee. Total contemplation. It must be a Zen thing. Become one with the nail, Grasshopper.
Action Shots missing, seems the camera only captured, torrential rain, lightning and slippery red mud.